DIY Thumbprint Ring Dish

I have a quick post today, folks. It's the end of summer and we've been trying to squeeze in a little more water park fun! Our little boy heads off to "real" preschool in a couple weeks {he's just been going to a 3-day preschool/childcare thus far} and we made this little ring dish for his teachers -- who have been WONDERFUL.

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I've used Sculpey Clay a few times before {for a chalkboard, number tags, hand print and dog bone ornaments} and it's a very easy-to-use crafting item.

Easy enough, in fact, that my 4 year old helped with the project. He helped knead the clay, flatten and roll it. Then we used his thumbprint to create the shape of a heart.

Painting the little heart {after the clay has cooled!} makes it pop.

Then we wrote this message on the back:

"A gift for you made with my fingers and my hands."

You can find the tutorial that I used for a Sculpey Clay dish, here.

It's almost the weekend! See you back tomorrow for Kick Off Friday.

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